Wednesday, December 20, 2006 – the social music revolution

Something I stumbled upon the other day and had since fallen head over heels for. Basically it is a comprehensive music service that allows you to sample clips, see what's recommended and popular with other listeners, and the best part is this small software that runs quietly in the background of the computer, collects information of the music you are listening to, send it to the server so that personal billboard/radio 'charts-like’ thingie are automatically built up, allowing you (and others) to see weekly/overall top listened artists/tracks, who on the network share similar tastes with you, and other tricks I am still continuing to discover. It currently supports wmp and winamp. My (highly rudimentary) chart now looks like this.

Verdict: Highly recommended for index-maniacs and general music fiends. Geek to Live!

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