Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Psalteria--the medieval ladies' band

i was playing a small computer game "styrateg", found the background music very very nice. so i checked the "credits" section of the game and browsed briefly online. so it's from a medieval ladies' band--Psalteria. the band's website is very comprehensive, in it i managed to download some sample music and lyrics for the songs. ppl who are interested, pls take a look at the site here: http://www.psalteria.cz/english/set-en.htm

here is the lyrics for the game song. altho i don't get the meaning...

Como poden

Como poden per sas culpas
os omes seer contreitos,
assi poden pela Virgen
depois seer saos feitos.

Ond' avo a un ome,
por pecados que fezera,
que foi tolleito dos nenbros
da door que ouvera,
e durou assi cinc' anos
que mover-se non podera,
assi avia os nenbros
todos do corpo maltreitos.

Como poden per sas culpas os omes seer contreitos...

Con esta enfermidade
atan grande que avia
prometeu que, se guarisse,
a Salas logo irya
e ha livra de cera
cad' ano ll' ofereria;
e atan toste foi sao,
que non ouv' y outros preitos.

Como poden per sas culpas os omes seer contreitos...

Daquest' a Santa Maria
deron graças e loores,
porque livra os doentes
de maes e de doores
e demais está rogando
senpre por nos pecadores;
e poren devemos todos
sempre seer seus sogeitos.

Como poden per sas culpas os omes seer contreitos...

another medieval band: http://www.krless.cz/cz/vstupte.htm
this website is purely unrecognisable due to its usage of a non-english language, but i still managed to download its sample music in its CD section. the song style is parallel to that of Psalteria's. very nice, with a dense medieval air.

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1 comment:

  1. hey dude i love the songs from styrateg...i managed to track down Krless, they are one of the bands that played their song as a soundtrack...i'm looking for the song called "Como Poder" by Psalteria. Please ym me asap, a link or an uploaded file would be nice.


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