Wednesday, December 27, 2006


Yes, my first post under the new pinkie sky! First of all, a round of claps for zhu's return haha! Although ukulele's again back to me + jady duo state as it originally started to be, I'm pretty happy with the current layout and contents ^^. (I hope blogger can consider EMOTICONS and a few remotely artistically inclined templates.)

Salyu Salyu! Did I write a post on Salyu before? The wikipedia entry is here, too brief to be informative but I can't add any more details as Salyu is indeed a mystery, a real Lily chou chou walking right out of the movie. Since all of the songs (and most lyrics) are single-handedly composed and written by Takeshi Kobayashi, a well-known composer in Japan for producing brilliant soundtracks for Shunji Iwai's movies, Salyu is a materialization of Kobayashi's ideal of music, a mix of new age, pop and acoustic. Salyu's 'angelic' voice (as most people like to describe it although I think it's more draggy, semi opera and maternal) lifts you high above ground into an imaginary world of wuthering winds (like 'Kaze ni noru fune') or a conundrum of still air, of emptiness. Scary or blissful depending on the situation. Most of her songs have a strong healing power which is reminiscent of Lily chou chou and we all love her for that =D (emoticons please!) We also love her wacky wardrobe and big loving smiles, and how she distorts her facial muscles to the extent we see an over-representation of mouth and too little of eyes! Yes, not to forget her chubbiness!!

Among her singles released so far, my favourites are VALON, Kaze ni noru fune, to U and Platform. All her PVs are superb! I wonder if it's the same director.

Some clips from youtube

Landmark - from 2006 live 'close to you'

VALON1 Live Countdown (lovely makeup!)

Me and Jady's mutual favourite - Kaze ni noru fune

Platform live (First appearance on Music Fighter)

To U - ap Bank fest

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