Thursday, November 08, 2007

music-alerts: keep track of your favourite artists' releases

As its slogan says, now allows you to never miss another album release. Simply type in artist names and it automatically creates a customized feed for you. The engine roams amazon server every three days and updates your feed reader timely (what's a feed and what's a feed reader? Start reading here or trying out here). users can go to the bottom of your 'Top Artists Overall' chart and click on 'Paste your taste'--voila, it has your top 50 artists, and loads of work saved! Add on artists if you have yet more tucked away (I kinda wish gives a full feed for my top 100 or 150 artists...but people like me who have too voracious an appetite should be restrained ;P). Do remember to remove the last line when you are done pasting. =)

The generated feed looks something like this. Enjoy. ;D

1 comment:

Note: if you want to request a re-upload of something already expired, please leave your email address (preferably in the spelled-out form of "abc at xyz dot com" to avoid spambots harvesting it), and we'll try to get back to you asap. =)